Riding free

Testing a free energy inverter
Here we present the path forward for the testing of a freerider style inverter.
The purpose if this circuit is to test hadronic energy theory as previously explained in other articles by means of a simple circuit hereby illustrated:

Our quest begins with amazing1.com
The company used to manufacture miniature tesla coils and other experimental devices for hobbyists and the movie industry.
One of the articles of interest was the Tlite2 miniature tesla coil (around 35 USD cost back in the days).
It uses a 12 VDC power source to generate a high voltage spark across along with some control circuitry for regulating overall operating frequency and timing of the spark gap:

So far there is nothing special about this circuit, just an LV/HV converter to power a spark gap powered by a battery or a wall plug DC adapter.
No free energy lunch thus far.
Modding the tesla coil into a freerider inverter
In this second schematic we will be adding some additional components to test the possibility to collect and recycle some electricity off the spark gap in high enough quantity to be able to unplug the external power source whilst continuously self power the device and also power a small electric load:

The energy recovery is highlighted as X 1.
It uses a supercapacitor Cx1 to recover energy off the spark gap and it return this electricity back into the LV side of the tesla coil through diode Dx3.
Some of the electric energy available also feeds a resistive load Rx5 Load circuit X 2).
Additional circuitry X 3 signals when the energy recovery circuit X0 is powerful enough to shut off the external battery source altogether, meaning that the system has reached overrunity stage.
This is when the external power source can be removed altogether and the system will still keep running off its own energy loop.
Circuit X 4 is used as a failsafe to reduce the tesla coil efficiency (spark frequency) should Cx1 get overloaded with too high voltage during operation.
This is a dissipative type solution which could be improved by means of a timer that delays the LV side of the tesla coil until voltage in Cx1 drops back down to safe levels before the spark gap is allowed to operate and give a charge boost to Cx1 once again.
Free energy for dummies
Without going too much into details, all formulas taught into engineering schools are conservative (potential) type ones, meaning that regardless of how you move electric charges, masses etc within a system or machine, all you can do is to move energy from one side of the system onto another side of it. This means that you can never get more energy out of a system than what you had to begin with. You are only allowed to change energy types and forms (thermal, chemical, mechanical, electrical), but not its total quantity.
So no free energy machines are allowed, nor you should even try to build one because the math is simply stacked against you.
Still there are some processes and non-potential type forces out there that are defying such prescriptions and are in fact generating energy and mass and potential energy out of nothing.
Evidence 1: The neutron synthesis inside stars from a proton and electron yields an excess mass of 0.782 Mev per reaction. Stars are de facto big free energy fountains conjuring many tons of mass into existence within our physical reality every second and this energy sticks around in the form of kinetic energy when the neutron eventually decays back into a proton and electron.
Evidence 2: The fact that Universe is expanding and not collapsing onto its ever increasing weight per point 1, means that additional potential/gravitational energy is pouring into the Universe all the time thus allowing it to expand as opposed to collapse.
In this circuit we intend to extend the formulations used to describe the proton-electron fusion per evidence 1, into an opposite electron-electron covalent bond un-fusion (or explosion) in such a way to yield net excess electric energy.

Step A: As the spark gap operates, a certain amount of electrons Q 1.0 is emitted from the emitter side of the spark gap.
Step B: A similar amount of charge Q 1.1 is received on the spark gap collector plate.
Q 1.0 and Q 1.1 do not necessarily coincide because some electrons will be harvested off the air molecules in between the spark gap but in general they should be considered approximately the same charge quantity.
This “electron harvesting” principle was what originally inspired Edwin Gray early free energy prototypes which later evolved into vacuum tube type spark gap because of other effects being at play.
Step C: As high kinetic energy electrons impact against the metallic matrix of the collector. This is where the magic begins under the name of “superelectric effect” for lack of better terms:
Point A: The impacting electrons in the collector plate will explode covalent pair electrons within the matrix in an energetic way thus causing a great increase of kinetic energy (heat) of said exploded pairs. This heating of the electronic gas inside the collector metal is what can be recovered as net electric energy later on in the circuit.
Point B: The exploded electron pairs might carry an additional impinged rotational moment on top of their standard spin. The overlapping of the impinged moment with their natural spin might cause such electrons to exhibit a magnetic pole anomaly / asymmetry similar to a magnetic monopole.
We use bare copper wires and enough surface of it to dissipate magnetons (magneton radiation) generated in step C out of the conductor and circuit.
Historic note: Edwin Gray main free energy effects ultimately resulted from the exploitation of magnetons rather than the thermal effects per point A.
Also see image 4 / special spark gap patent seemingly devised to collect magnetons onto a secondary circuit for main energy production as opposed to thermal energy conversion into electricity.
From what we have derived off the Edwin Gray experiment and documentation, magnetons travel in the form of electromagnetic radiation from one excited electron into nearby ones causing a spin deformation of said particle into an anomalous / asymmetric one with one North pole being somewhat stronger than the South pole side.

Step D: Because of the “free” thermal energy per step C / point A, an excess charge Q 2 will exit the conductor through diode Dx 1 in a quantity greater than what originally entered the collector in step B.
Step E: The excess charge Q 2 which left through diode Dx1 causes the metallic conductor to get negatively charged and draws in the electron difference Q 3 = Q 2 – Q 1.1 through the diode Dx2.
Free energy exploitation
In image 3, bottom part we explain how the energy recovery circuit can be looped in a way to power up the main tesla coil so that we can disconnect the external power source whilst the circuit keeps self powering itself.
Step 1: The loop consists in a voltage crank powered by the battery B0 to charge the spark gap condenser C3.
Step 2: The condenser C3 discharges its energy through the spark gap in the form of electrons available at high kinetic energy on collector plate C.
Beware of high voltages and x ray emissions!
Step 3: The superelectric effects cranks up the voltage in the supercondenser Cx1 up until it reaches a net voltage equal or greater than the external battery voltage B0.
Also note that it might take few tens of seconds of battery operation for Cx1 to reach the 12 VDC threshold voltage.
Beware of supercondensers blowing up in your face!
Step 4: Once the battery voltage is reached into Dx1, part of the supercondenser energy is looped back through Dx3 to keep powering the tesla coil circuit up until voltage in Cx1 is consistently above 12 VDC even at its lowest point just before the next spark ensues and recharges it back up a little bit above 12 Vdc.
This is when we can disconnect the external battery source and verify the circuit keeps self powering itself.
Step 5: Additional excess energy from Cx1 powers a small load Rx5.
Overrunity factor
As per earlier the superelectric effect should yield some excess energy that shouldn’t even exist according to our current physical understanding of reality.
Question being how much more energy should we expect off the spark gap?
The overrunity factor (OF) is the extra energy percentage we should expect to gain, it is a function of many parameters such as the material density of the collector, the kinetic energy of inbound electrons, the quantity of inbound electrons, temperature, etc…
For the purpose of this experiment, the main parameters we can tweak are as follow:
1) Spark gap distance: Greater distance = greater kinetic energy, higher OF.
2) C3 capacity: Higher capacity, higher current, higher spark gap length and charge transfer, higher OF
Beware of the SIDAC switch getting overloaded with too high currents and burning out if C3 is too high!
3) Primary circuit efficiency: Higher efficiency means higher spark gap frequency and overall net power.
If too efficient/too high frequency sparks, it could overload the energy recovery circuit.
Testing procedure and step forwards
Regrettably, the amazing1 company ceased operations, which is setting back the timeline for proper modification and testing of the freerider prototype.
Draft testing procedure is as follow:
1) Accurate measurement of voltage, current and net power adsorbed on the primary circuit (external power source) at rated operating conditions.
2) Accurate measurement of secondary circuit operating max voltage and discharge frequency to determine crank efficiency and NET energy traded to the spark gap.
This also allows the calculation of the tesla coil nominal electric efficiency important to model the dissipative circuit X 4.
3) Accurate measurement of voltage buildups and current through capacitor Cx1 at different spark gap distances and capacitor values C3.
It is recommended to begin testing of this part at low tesla coil efficiencies or frequencies (dissipative circuit X 4). To avoid overvoltages on Cx1.
4) Measurement of magnetic anomalies around the spark gap and the bare copper wire element by means of a compass or other circuits specifically conceived to detect and generate DC pulses against pulsed magnetic currents (flows of magnetons).
Stay tuned!